Bradford Ladner has successfully obtained the dismissal of a marijuana possession charge for our client in Mobile County Alabama Circuit Court. Our client was initially charged with possession of marijuana as a result of the police serving a search warrant on her apartment. During the search of the apartment the police discovered marijuana and our client was charged with possession. Bradford Ladner filed a motion to suppress the evidence obtained during the search of the apartment because the search warrant was defective. In this case, the motion to suppress the evidence argued that the search warrant did not provide a sufficient connection between the client’s apartment and other drug activity talked about in the application for the search warrant. We argued that the search warrant was defective because it did not provide a substantial basis to show a connection between what the police intended to seize under the search warrant in the apartment. Because of this, the search of the apartment was in violation of our client’s rights under the 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Based on our argument, the motion to suppress was granted,. As a result, the evidence was not allowed, and the case was dismissed.